Topic 5: Lessons learnt - future practice

My memes for Topic 5! The time has come for a final reflection regarding the past twelve weeks of the Open Networked Learning (ONL) 201 course. Reading the final blog reflections of my co-students in this course, the word “journey” frequently appears in many blogs and I agree, it is a suitable metaphor for these past twelve weeks of learning and collaboration. It has been a great experience, especially having the chance to be a student again and recall how it can in the beginning of a new course. Looking back on the course, there are some aspects that stood out and that made an impression on my learning. I particularly remember the topic about sharing and openness. How the readings, conversations with colleagues and the learning activities suddenly gave clear descriptions on the underlying philosophical notions regarding openness and sharing. Notions that I felt harmonized with my own ideas, but that I previously did not know how to explain. During that topic I had an “aha-experi...