Topic 1 - Online participation and digital literacies

Time flies! The first four weeks of the course “Open Networked Learning” have passed with Topic 1 completed. The first topic of the course comprised aspects of online participation and digital literacies ( ). A useful topic to reflect on, both in relation to myself and the students I meet. In order to understand a complex issue such as “online participation and digital literacies”, metaphors such as the “visitor and residents” are helpful ( White & Le Cornu , 2011). I understand this metaphor as more flexible than other examples where the focus is to categorize people in to certain types, having certain styles or behavior. According to the authors learning and behavior is difficult to categorize without flexibility. It is refreshing to read the notions regarding the need of a more flexible understanding of online participation and behavior. An understanding where engagement and context are seen as fundamental aspects to online participation ...