
Topic 5: Lessons learnt - future practice

My memes for Topic 5! The time has come for a final reflection regarding the past twelve weeks of the Open Networked Learning (ONL) 201 course. Reading the final blog reflections of my co-students in this course, the word “journey” frequently appears in many blogs and I agree, it is a suitable metaphor for these past twelve weeks of learning and collaboration. It has been a great experience, especially having the chance to be a student again and recall how it can in the beginning of a new course. Looking back on the course, there are some aspects that stood out and that made an impression on my learning. I particularly remember the topic about sharing and openness. How the readings, conversations with colleagues and the learning activities suddenly gave clear descriptions on the underlying philosophical notions regarding openness and sharing. Notions that I felt harmonized with my own ideas, but that I previously did not know how to explain. During that topic I had an “aha-experi...

Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning

BIld av Chris Martin från Pixabay As we start to come to the end of this ONL journey, we go into the designing part of online and blended learning. In our PBL group, we had a fruitful collaboration and sharing of experiences related to this topic. The Mural, which we use for brainstorming and sharing of ideas, was crammed with information, reflections, pictures etc. for this topic. For the first time, the two weeks allocated for the topic was insufficient and we had to “steal” a little time from the final topic and week in order to finalize the presentation of the topic. But what a presentation! So much design, practical tips and collaboration illustrated in one straight (utopian) train ride. Reflecting on my own practice and possibilities for development, I found the Community of Inquiry Survey useful. One area of this survey involves the facilitation of the learning and the course, an area central to learning and always in need of development. The facilitation comprises ho...

Topic 3 - On the notion of Personal Learning Networks

Photo: Hanna Tuvesson (private) What do “all about guinea pigs”, “nursing researchers”, “living in Spain” and “vegetarian cooking” have in common? They are all examples of informal communities that contribute to my learning in different areas. The newest addition is the “all about guinea pigs”. One month ago my family decided to buy a couple of guinea pigs. None of us have any experience in guinea pigs and are beginners in this area. Fortunately I quickly found an online community comprised of people who share an interest in guinea pigs and wants to share experiences, answer questions and contribute to learning on various levels for its community members! In just a couple of weeks I learned the basics (and a lot of other useful tips and tricks) regarding guinea pigs and how to take care of them. Through Youtube I learned how to build my own cage from the basis of a baby cot and the meaning of different sounds made by guin...

Topic 2: Open learning - Sharing and openness

BIld av Photo Mix från Pixabay Another two weeks of the Open Network Learning course have passed and I have had the opportunity to reflect on sharing and openness in learning/teaching. Openness has been described as an umbrella term and philosophical cornerstone in open courses ( Weller, 2014 ) which is a belief in harmony with my own notions. I have worked at three universities with various educational models and academic cultures. I have been new and a novice at work and met by great generosity by colleagues who willingly and enthusiastically share their experiences and own teaching materials for me to reuse and adopt. I have tried to pay that generosity forward and emphasize sharing in teaching materials with colleagues. In the National Network for Specialist Nursing Programmes in Psychiatric Care, we have discussed this aspect and talked about building an open “library” where we share our recorded lectures, reflection materials etc. between each other. We are all experts in so...

Topic 1 - Online participation and digital literacies

Time flies! The first four weeks of the course “Open Networked Learning” have passed with Topic 1 completed. The first topic of the course comprised aspects of online participation and digital literacies ( ). A useful topic to reflect on, both in relation to myself and the students I meet. In order to understand a complex issue such as “online participation and digital literacies”, metaphors such as the “visitor and residents” are helpful ( White & Le Cornu , 2011). I understand this metaphor as more flexible than other examples where the focus is to categorize people in to certain types, having certain styles or behavior. According to the authors learning and behavior is difficult to categorize without flexibility. It is refreshing to read the notions regarding the need of a more flexible understanding of online participation and behavior. An understanding where engagement and context are seen as fundamental aspects to online participation ...

Creating a blog
